Thursday, September 6, 2012

အဂၤလိပ္စာ ဝါက်ဥယ်ာဥ္ (The Composition of Gargen in English

The Composition of Gargen in English
အဂၤလိပ္စာ   ဝါက်ဥယ်ာဥ္

(The best way of English)


Since been  2007 -2008 in Windermere Academy of English Diploma Class, Yangon Myanmar, the way how to be written in Composition of English was clearly taught by Teachers, Prof. Dr Mr. U Min Lwin , Venereable.U Agga teaching  in Parami Monastery, International Studying Speaking English Centre, Yangon, and Mr. Visuthishai and other teachers from  Mahachulalongkorn University, International Program, Chiang Mai Campus, Northern of Thailand,to  those whom I do respect as guide star as my life. I am really his student having learnt the Grammar of English from Basic to Advance to show me by the way of composition of English, and I have studied it taught by him. 

Panna saba arbanatthi in Pali words, which means   the light which is like wisdom, is not in the world.The wisdom that we need to study is very essential for all to be higher person or to be noble person, and to be batter man in the world.
Because of wisdom, every things are successful in all if we are trying the most and best in any time to the gold. Practicing makes perfect in proverb that means what we are practicing every day, will surely be processed.
Language is alive in it’s, so we need to study how it is alive and how it is transferring here and there. It is necessary to understand the quality of Language having two kinds of voices, Grammar, clauses, phrases and syntax, spelling and translation of Language. 

1.     Abbreviations
2.     Acknowledgements
3.     Preface
4.     Content
5.     Usages
6.     Phrases
7.     Clauses
8.     Sentences
9.     References

There are four kinds of Sentences in English by being used with the usages of various kinds of phrases and clauses as to be a good methods of the composition of the International  Language.

Kinds of Sentences
1.     Simple Sentence
2.     Compound Sentence
3.     Complex Sentence
4.     Mixed Sentence ( Multi Sentenc or Compound and  Complex Sentence)

        Kinds of Phrases
1.     Noun phrase
2.     Abstract  noun  phrase
3.     Prepositional phrase
4.     Gerundical  phrase
5.     Conjunctional phrase
6.     Adjective phrase
7.     Adverb phrase
8.     Present participle phrase
9.     Past participle phrase
10.                        Perfect  participle phrase
11.                         Absolute phrase
12.                        Infinitive phrase
13.                        Split infinitive phrase
14.                         Verbal Noun phrase

Kinds of Clauses
1.     Noun clause
2.     Adjective clause
3.     Adverb clause
4.     Real conditional clause
5.     Un real conditional clause
6.     Main cluase ( Indpendent clause)
7.     Dependent clause

Kinds of Conjunctions

1.Subordinate conjunction
2.Coordinate conjunction
3.Relative pronoun conjunction

Kinds of Cases
1.      Noun case
2.     Pronoun case
3.     Subjective case
4.     Objective case
5.     Possesessive case
6.     Prepositional case

Kinds of Function
1.     Noun  function
2.     Adjective function
3.     Adverb function

Kinds of Emphasis

1.      Emphasis of subject
2.     Emphasis of object
3.     Emphasis of Prepositional  object

Kinds of usages

1.     Normal  usage
2.     Metaphor usge
3.     Transferring  usage
4.     Borrowing word usage
5.     Substitute  word usage

Usages of   words

1.      Usage of   subject
2.     Usage of object
3.     Usage of Preopsitional Object
4.     Usage of  Preposition
5.     Usage of Tense
6.     Usage of  Transferring
7.     Usage of  Verb
8.     Uage of Adverb
9.     Usage of  Adjective
10.                        Usage of  Noun
11.                        Usag  of Pronoun
12.                         Usage of  Comma
13.                        Usage of  Phrase
14.                        Usage of Clause
15.                        Usage of Sentneces
16.                        Usage of Questions

Kinds of Compositions

1.     Analytical  compostion
2.     Synthetical  Composition

Kinds of   Complements

1.      Noun / Pronoun  Complement
a.     Subject
b.     Objective
c.      Prepositional object

2.      Adjetive  Complement
3.     Adverb Complement

Kinds of Compounds

1.     Compound  subject
2.     Compound object
3.     Compound  Prepositional  object
4.     Compound  prepositions
5.     Compound phrase
6.     Compound clause
7.     Compound sentence
8.     Compound  words
9.     Compound noun
10.                        Compound  verb
11.                        Compound adjective
12.                        Compound adverb
13.                        Compound  predicates

Kinds of Nouns
Kinds of Pronouns
Kinds of Adjectives
Kinds of Verbs
Kinds of Adverbs
Kinds of  Prepositions
Kinds of   phrases
Kinds of  clauses
Kinds of conjunctions
Kinds of  sentences

Other kinds of sentences
1.     Declarative  or Assertive Sentence
2.     Interrogative  Sentence ( Question)
3.     Imperative Sentence ( order / requestion/  get permission)
4.     Exclamatory  Sentence  ( suddenly  Emossion)

A  sentence is  a group of words so chosen amd arranged as to give a full meaning.
  GOOD ENGLISH  ( page.2) R.P  GHOSH

 A sentence may consist of one or more words. Exmaples of one- word sentences aer such exclamations as  Thanks! Fthar. Good!  What! (445)
Fire! Rain!;  Imperatives such as   stop! Look! ( cf. a closely similar use of  Adjectives and adverbs  like  Quick! Or Quickly!   Sstady!) ; and vocatives, such as Mother! Jack! (cf. Hello! Used, like the vocatives, to draw a person’s attention.)

Other , non- exclamatory ( or not necessarily exclamatory) Examples are: Yes, No, True ( as a formula of concession). Perhapes, - Certainly, Impossible, Tired? Hungry? Rain?  What? ( what did you say?)

The optative sentence ( Expressing wish) is merged by mordern grammarians in the imperative sentence or Desire. So, according to them, sentences  are of four kinds.

A  verb is a word with me can make a statementl
A General Certificate English Course ( page.41) Lancelot Oliphant

In  English, when we wish to indicate the exitence of a certain object of objects, we use the construction  “ There are” Thus  instead of saying “ A book is on the table”  We genearlly say “ There is a book on the table.”  ( GRADED EXERCISES IN ENGLISH (P.13) R.J DIXON

1. verb can be changed into noun, pronoun, adverb, and adjective in English composition.
2.Adjective can be changed into verb, noun.
3.Noun can be changed into adjecitive, verb,and adverb.
4.Adjective can be changed into adjective phrase and adverb phrase.
5.Adverb can be changed into Adverb phrase, and Adjective phrase.
6.Phrase can be changed into any sentences.
7.Sentences can be changed int phrases.
8.Phrases can be changed into Sentences.
9.Clauses can be changed into Phrases.
10.Phrases can be changed into Clauses.
11.Clauses can be changed into Sentences.
12. Sentences can be changed into Clauses.
13.Simple Sentence can be changed into Compound Sentence.
14.Compound Sentence can be changed into Simple Sentence.
15. Simple Sentence can be changed into Complex Sentence.


Direct and Indirect speech

1.    When we want to tell what some body said, we can repeat the very actual words of the speaker without any change. Such a process is called Direct Speech. It is always placed within invented Commas and the first letter of  the question begins with a capital letter. There is a comma after the reporting verb or the receiver if there is any.
1.    The body says “The books are on the table.”
2.    The girl said, “The boys are tired of playing.”
3.    The boys said to the girl, “I shell give you any book.”

2.     When we want to tell what somebody said, we can also give an account of what he said. Such a process is called Indirect Speech. In this process it will be seen that the commas after reporting verb, the inverted commas and the capital letter of the first word of the question are all removed.
1.    The boy says that the books are on the table.
2.     The girl said that the boys were tired of playing.
3.    The boy told the girl that he would give her his book.

3.. The  verb “ say” or said”  before the direct  speech is called  the reporting Verb.
The verb in the direct speech is called the reporting Verb.
4.     The subject of the reporting Verb is called the speaker.
The abject of the reporting Verb is called the receiver.
(1)            Singular Number – I me my mine myself.
(2)            Plural Number- we us our  ours ourselves
5.    The Speaker may be the pronouns of the first person.
(1)Singular Number – I me my mine myself.
(2)Plural Number- we us our ours ourselves

6.    The receiver may be the pronouns of the second person.
(1)            Singular Number- You, you, your, yours,  yourself
(2)            Plural number- You, You, your, yours, yourselves

7.     The following are the rules for changing a speech from the direct to the indirect  form.

Rule (1)   If the reporting verb is the present or future tense, the verb in the direct speech should not be changed in the indirect.
(a)             Direct- He says, “ The boys are playing.”
Indirect- He says that the boys are playing.
(b)            Direct- He will  say,” the birds are flying in the sky.”
Indirect- He will say that the birds are flying  in the sky.

 Rule (2) if the reporting Verb is the past tense, a present tense verb in the direct speech must be changed to the past tense in the indirect.
(a)             Direct- He said,” the boys are playing.”
Indirect- He said that the boys were playing.
(b)            Direct-She said,” the birds are flying in the sky.”
Indirect- She said that the birds were flying in the sky.

Rule (3) if the reporting verb is the past tense, a past tense verb in the direct speech must be changed to past perfect tense in the indirect.
(a)             He said, “ The boys played football.”
He said that the boys had played football.

(b)            She said , “ The teacher went to America.”
She said that the teacher had  teacher had gone to America.

Rule( 4) If the reporting Verb is in the past tense, a past continuous tense in the direct speech must be changed to past perfect continuous tense in the indirect.
(a) He said, “ They boys were playing  near the garden.”
  He said that the boys had been playing near the garden.
(c)             He said, “ The birds were flying in the sky.”
He said that the birds had been flying in  the sky.

Rule (5)
If the direct speech states some general or Universal truth ( what is true for all time) or habitual fact ( what is thought to be true till now) the present tense Verb used there is no changed in the indirect , which ever tense may be in the reporting verb.
(a)              He said, “ Men are mortal.”
He said that men are mortal.
(b)            She said, “ Honesty is the best policy.”
She said that honesty is the best policy.

(c)             He said, “  nobody in his world is completely happy.”
He said that no body in his world is completely happy.

(d)            He said , “ my brother is addicted to gambling.”
He said that his brother is addicted to gambling.

(e)             They said, “ the sun arises in the east and sets in the west.
They said that the sun arises in the east and sets in the west.

The following adjectives and adverbs of time showing nearness in the direct speech should be changed to corresponding words showing distance in  the indirect.
1.     Now is changed into then
2.    This is changed into that
3.    These is changed into those
4.    Thus is changed into so
5.    Here is changed into there
6.    Hence is changed into thence
7.    Just is changed into then
8.    Come is changed into go
9.    Today is changed into that day
10  tonight  is changed into that night
11 tomorrow is changed into the next day
12 yesterday is changed into the previous day
13 last year is  changed into the previous year
14 Lat night  is changed into the previous night
15 this year is changed into that year.
Study the following examples:..
(a)             Direct- He said, “ I can write tomorrow.”
Indirect- He said that he could write next day.
(b)            Direct- she said, “ I was here last night.”
Indirect- she said that she had been there the previous night.
(c)             Direct- they say, “ We must start now.”
Indirect- They say that they must start then.

The word “ this need not be changed to “ that “ if the object is still before the speaker ( reporter)
A pronoun of the first person in the direct speech is changed in the indirect to the same person as the subject of the reporting verb.
(1)            Direct- He said, “ I have lost my book.”
He said that  he had lost his book.
(2)            Direct- she said, “ I have lost my boom.”
She said that she had lost her boom.\
(3)            Direct – They said, “ We have lost our books.”
They said that they had lost their books.
 Rule ( 8)
A person of the second person in the direct speech is changed in the indirect to the seam  person as the receiver ( object) of the reporting verb.
(1)            Direct- she said to me, “ I have brought our book.”
She told me that I had brought my book.
(2)            Direct- He said to her, “ You have brought your books.”
He told her that he  had brought her books.
(3)            Direct- She said to him, “ You have brought your books.”
She told him that he had brought his book.
(4)            Direct- She said to them, “ You have brought your books.”
She told them that they had brought their books.

Rule (10)
Generally a pronoun of the third person in the direct speech remains unchanged in the indirect.
(1)            Direct- He said to me, “ They want to see me.”
He told me that they wanted to see him.
(2)            Direct- She said to him, “ They were absent.”
She told him that they were absent.
(3)            Direct- He said to me, “ She is in her house.”
He told me that she was in her house.

Rule (11)
In  reporting an affirmative Sentence or a negative sentence, The conjunction “ That” should always be put before the reported speech if the reporting verb is not followed by an object.
(1)            Direct- He said, “ I am very happy here.”
He  said that he was very happy there.
(2)            He says, “ I want this book.”
He says that he wants that book.
(3)             He will say, “ I have done all the exercise.”
He will say that he has done all the exercises.
(4)            He said, “ Honesty is the best policy.”
He said that honesty is the best policy.
(5)            He said, “ My friend is a drinker.”
He said that his friend is a drinker.

Rule (12)
In reporting  an affirmative sentence or a negative sentence the reporting verb “ say” to or said to” may be changed to “ tell” or “told” if the reporting verb is followed by an object or receiver.

(1)            Direct- He said to me, “ You are very lazy.”
He told me that I was very lazy.
(2)            She said to him, “ I can not oblige you in this way.”
She told him she could oblige  him in that way.
(3)            He said to her, “ Men are mortal.”
He told her that men are mortal.
(4)            She says to me, “ You are  a good boy.”
She tells me that I am a good boy.

Rule( 13)
In  reporting an interrogative sentence and a Negative question,  the  following rules should be observed.
(1)            The reporting verb “ say” or said should  be changed to require or inquired ask or asked to suit the tense of the reporting verb in the direct speech.
(2)            The conjunction “ whether or if  should be used before the reported speech.
(3)            When one of the verbs as “ is am are was were, has have, had, does, do , did, shall, should.” Will would, can, could, may might, or must, to suit the tense of the reporting verb.
(4)             The Interrogative sentence should be changed into the Affirmative and the Negative Question to the negative in Indirect speech.
(a)             He said to me, “ Are you  happy here.?”
He asked me whether I was happy there.
(b)            She said to him, “ Have you not done your work?”
She required him if he had not done his work.
(c)             He said to her, “ Do you write an essay.?”
He asked her whether she wrote an essay.
(d)            They said to me, “ Can you do this work?”
They asked me whether I could do this work.
(e)             Which is the proper way to answer this question, teacher?”
The boys inquired the teacher which the proper way was to answer that question.

(5)             When the direct speech is introduced by one of these interrogative words “ who, whose, whom, which, what, why, when, where, how much, how many, how often,” the conjunction” whether or if should not be used in the direct speech. The interrogative word in the direct speech may be used as conjunction in the Indirect.

Rule (14)

In reporting an Imperative sentence, the following rules should be observed in addition to other rules mentioned in rules  1 to 10.
(1)            The reporting verb “ say” or said is changed into request order, command , advise, beg, threaten, whish , propose, suggest, or some other verbs, befitting the sentence of the reporting verb  in the indirect speech should agree with that of the reporting verb in the direct.
(2)            The reported verb in the direct speech is put in the infinitive.

Study the following example
(1)            Direct- He said to them, “ Come here.”
He ordered them to go there.
(2)            He said to the teacher, “ Please teach me a new lesson.”
He requested the teacher to teach him a new lesson.
(3)            The captain said to the solders” Halt”
The captain commanded the solders to halt.
(4)            He said to his master, “ Please give me some money”.
He begged his master to give him some money.
(5)            He said to the little girl, “ Give me your ring or I shall kill you,”
He threatened the little girl to give him her ring or he would kill her.
(6)            Direct- My grandfather said to me, May you live long.”
Indirect- My grandfather wished that I might  live long.
(7)            God save the president.”
We pray that God may save the president.
(8)            “Good night all” said our teacher.
 Our teacher wished all good night.
(9)            He said, “ let us stop here for the night .”
He proposed to stop here for the night.
(10)       She said, “ let them go.”
She suggested that they might be allowed to go.

Rule (15)
In reporting an Exclamatory sentence in the indirect way, the reporting verb is changed into “ wish, bless, pray, cry, declaim, or come other verbs befitting the sense or meaning of the direct speech. The tense of the reporting verb in the indirect speech should agree with that  of the reporting verb in the direct. The words, “ how or what “ in the direct one replaced by “ great, greatly, or very.
Study the following examples carefully.
1.     Direct- He said, “ what a fine  building it is.?”
Indirect-  He said that it was very fine building.
2.    She said to me, “ How obliged I am to you!”
She said to me that she was greatly obliged to me.
3.    He said, “ Blass I am ruined!”
He explained that he was ruined.
4.    He cried, “ Help me Heaven!”
He called upon Heaven to help him.
5.    He said, “ Brevo! You have done well.”
He applauded him saying that he had done well.
6.    She said, “ How beautiful I am!”
She said that she was very beautiful.
7.    He said, “ What a liar you are.”
He said that I was a great liar.
( He called me a great liar.)

represented by Ashin thuseitta ( M.A - Philosophy- Magadh University
as way of Pro. Mr. Min Lwin , Yangon

How to write phrases in English

Rule (1) Present participle phrase

1. In the phrase, there are two kinds of voice,
2. There is no predicate,
3. There is no sentence,
4. But, it has subject, object, and prepositional object    and kinds of voices.

The group of phrase
Active voice

S ving o po, p o po.
Ving o po, s p o po.
S p o po,ving o po.
S p o ving o po.
S p o po ving o po.

Passive voice

S being-v3 po po, s o po.
Being-3 po po, s p o po.
S p o po,being –v3 po po.
S p o being-3 po po.
S p o po being-3 po po.

Rule (2) Past participle phrase
The phrase of English having no predicate, this phrase is used for only passive voice.

S v-ed/en ph pop o, p o po.
v-ed/en ph po po, s p o po.
s p o po, v-ed/en ph pop o.
s  p o v-ed/en ph pop o.
s p o po v-ed/en ph po po.

English spoken by us at school, must be studies in all school.
Spoken by us at school, English must be studied in all school.
English must be studied in all school, spoken by us at school.
The teacher taught English spoken by us at school.
The teacher taught English to us spoken in all school.
Rule (3) how to use the (to) infinitive phrase in English Language having two kinds of voices.The only phrase of group

Verb to be     to be o po.
                      To be ving o po,
                      To be –v3 po po,

Verb to do      to   do o po,
                       To go pop o,
                       To speak o po,

Verb to have    to have o po,
                         To have been o po,
                         To have been v-ing o po,
                         To have been v-3 po po,

Infinitive phrase in active voice with the sentences

S to vi o po, p o po.
To vi o po, s p o po.
S p o po, to vi o po.
S p o to vi o po.
S p o po to vi o po.

Infinitive in passive voice

S to be v-3 po po, p o po.
To be v-3 po po , s p o po.
S p o po, to be v-3 po po.
S p o to be v-3 po po.
S p o po to be v-3 po po.

Rule ( 4) how to use the split infinitive phrase
to be used in any sentences of English composition.
To adverb vi o po, in the phrase of group

S to clearly vi o po, p o po.
To clearly vi o po, s p o po.
S p o po, to clearly vi o po.
S p o to clearly vi o po.
S p o po to clearly vi o po.


Su Su to surely be a teacher in Yagnon, will get M.A in UK.
To surely be a teacher in Yangon, Su Su will get M.A in UK.
Su Su get M.A in Uk, to surely be a teacher in Yagnon.
We know Su Su to surely be a tacher in Yangon.
We study English with Su Su to surely be a teacher in Yangon.

Rule (5) How to  use the Prepositional Phrase  having tow kinds of voices used in any sentence and any  phrases of English composition.
The phrase of group
By   ving o po,              only       phrase
In stead of
By being o po,
By doing o po,         s p o  po.  Active voice
By having o po,
By living pop o,
S by being o po, p o po.
By doing o po,
By  living o po,
S p o po, by being o po.    Active voice
                By doing o po.
By having o po.
By living pop o.
The prepositional phrase of group
With being  v-3 po po
By                 having been  v-3,        passive voice
By being done pop o, s p o po.
By being had pop o.
By having been done po po,
By having been had pop o,
S by being done pop o, p o poo.
By being done pop o, p o po.
S p o po, being done pop o.
S p o by being done pop o.
S p o po by being done po po.

Rule (6) How to write the conjunctional phrase in any sentence

The four kinds of sentences used in any phrase being used in any clause, has conjunction; adverb, subordinate and coordinate in phrase without relative pronoun conjunction.
We also not this conjunction phrase having two kinds of voice and then we must write a lot of simple, complex, compound and mixed sentence of this phrase,

S  after ving o po, p o po.
Al though

After ving o po, s p o po.
S p o po, after ving o po.
S p o after ving o po.
S  p  o po before ving o po.

Rule (7) Adjective phrase
How to study the phrase of adjective in English conjunction.

1.    Adjective clause the adjective phrase.
2.     Adjective phrase the adjective clasue.
There is only active voice without  object.
S very clever pop o, p o po.
Very clever pop o, s p o po.
S p o po, very clever pop o.
S p o very clever pop o.
S p o po very useful pop o.

Rule (8)
How to write the Adverbial phrase in English composition.

1.    The Adverb phrase used in any sentence  of clause is that always does the adverb.
2.    The adverbial phrase of English  Language must be written with the adverb of time,  the adverb of place and the adverb of manner.
1.    Adverb of time
When we use the adverb phrase of time in any sentence of clause , adverb  must be compounded with the prepositions used in English.
Always = every time   in every time
With every time
In  any time
Just now   at this moment
At present     at that moment
Today    at that day
Tonight   in the night
Tomorrow  in the next day
Yesterday   in previous day
Last day   at the previous year
Last night  in the previous night
Adverb phrase of time
This year    at that year
While  in the present time
When  by the time
Adverb phrase of place
Adverb phrase of manner
Clearly   with a clear manner
Surely  with a sure manner
Kindly  with (a) kind manner
Sympathetically   with sympathetic manner
Carefully  with care manner
In a care manner
Lovely  with love manner
With a love manner

Rule (9)
How to write the absolute phrase in English composition

1.    There are many predicates used in the absolute phrase
2.    There is one predicate used in the absolute phrase.
3.     We clearly note the two subject which are not the same subject in this phrase.
4.    There is no conjunction with the absolute phrase.
There absolute phrase, we use in any kinds of sentence must be used with two subjects that is not the same.
S ving o po, s p o po.
S p o po,s ving o po.
We speaking English with the class, you study it with us in Yangon.
Thuseitta in very glad for him to go abroad.
Buddha being born in the world, we study his teachings in the Sansara.

Rule (10
How to use the Gerundial phrase in composition.There are three kinds of way in gerundial phrase of composition.

1.    Subjective gerund
2.    Objective gerund
3.    Prepositional gerund
1.    Subjective  gerund
Verb to be
Verb to do
Verb to have


Speaking makes us (to) be wonderful.
2.    Objective gerund
We study speaking making us be wonderful.
3.    Prepositional gerund
We study for reading of English  taught by U Ba.
Rule (11)
How to write the Verbal Noun phrase in English Language to be used for s / o and Po by its composition to be used studied in detail and then we must note this phrase to be used for s o po in any kinds of sentences  for academic language today in the world.

Pattern:   the  v-ing of person,( active) or the v-ing of thing (passive)

1.    Verb to be   the being
2.    Verb to do  the doing
3.    Verb to have  the v-aing


The writing of English and Pali is taught by our professor.
We study the writing of  English and Pali by our professor.

Rule (12)
How to write the abstract Noun phrase in English Language that we must use in any kinds of sentence and this phrase is followed by predicates , adjective and noun or pronoun.
1.    If we write Noun or abstract Noun phrase, the predicate of the sentence must  be changed in to the  noun phrase.
2.     When we want to change the abstract noun phrase from adjective, the predicate of sentence must be changed in to the noun in English Language.
3.     Abstract Noun phrase must be subject, object and prepositional object in any sentences.

Vi           V4      V 2    V3     N
Know knowing knew  known knowledge

See seeing  saw  seen    sight

Decide   deciding  decided  decision

Adjective       Noun
Beautiful   beauty
Useful   usefulness
Kind        kindness


We  know the knowledge  of us.
English is know. The knowledge of English
We know that  English is very essential.
The knowledge of us in English is very essential.

1.    As teaching by way of Prof. Dr. mr. Min Lwin
Sukha Rd, ThinGanKyun Tsh, Yangon, Myanmar  2007- 2008
2.   English Speaking for every one by Mr. U Agga
South of Okkalapa Ts/ Yangon Myanmar 2005-2007
3.   Oxford English  to English Dictionary

What is conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases or clauses. Each conjunction defines a specific relationship between the parts it connects.
Coordinating Conjunctions
 According conjunction joins sentence parts that have the same grammatical form.
Joining independent Clauses
Correlative conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Discourse Markers
Expressing chronology ical order
Marking an argument convincing
Illustrating Previous information
Contradicting previous information
Correcting previous information
Indicating the consequences of and action
Explaining previous information
Reducing the importance of the previous information
Verifying previous information
Expressing reasons for an action
Expressing concession or condition

What is sentence?

The basic unit of written and spoken English is the sentence. A sentence is a meaningful combination of words. The first word of a sentence begins with a capital latter, and the last word is followed by a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point.
A sentence is an independent clause; tt has a subject- a noun and its modifiers
Has a predicate- verb and its modifiers
Expresses a complete idea.
The subject is the person, place, or thing we are talking or writing about. It can be singular or plural.
The predicate
The predicate is a verb that tells what the subject is or does.
The form of the verb must be appropriate for the subject.
A linking verb connects the subject to a complement- a word that describes the subject.
The complement can be noun or adjective.
Common linking verbs are be ,become get (when it means become) appear, seem, feel, smell, sound and taste.
A transitive verb must have a direct object- a noun or pronoun that tells whom or what the verb points to.
Transitive with an indirect object
An indirect object is the person who is the receive of the direct object.
Common verbs that can have indirect objects are given, show, tell, teach, buy, and send.
An intransitive verb does not have an object.
Types of sentences
1.      Declarative
2.      Interrogative

Form of be or auxiliary
Verb + subject+ main verb + complement or Object

An exclamatory sentence expresses surprised or another emotion. It ends an exclamation point.
Exclamatory sentence often begain with what or  how.
An exclamatory  sentence may be a statement spoken with special emphasis.

An imperative sentence is command.
It tells someone what to do or to do.
An imperative sentence may end with a period an exclamation point.
The subject may be, you –either singular or plural- but it is not expressed.
The subject could also be we or you and I also not expressed.








Multi sentence

How to write the mixedd sentence in English composition
Or Multi sentence  ( Compound and Complex Sentnece)
In the mixed sentences having a lot of conjunction being used in English composition having been taught for higher students to get post graduate  and any higher students must write the following for kinds of great sentences in a details.
(1)            A simple sentence (2) A complex sentence (3) A compound sentence  (4)  A Mixed or Multi Sentences.

Mixed sentence that can be used with the all conjunctions by relative pronoun conjunction, coordinate conjunction, and subordinate conjunction is the most notable in English composition.
There is N/ Pro  Rel  p o po and s p o po.
It is N/pro Rel p o po, and if s p o po.
It is n/ pro  po rel s o po, and s p o po.
Example: It is a man who does the good deeds in everyday, and so he must be very rich in his many future life sub Sansara.
It was a teacher whom we deeply respect in any where and also he taught English to us.
It can be him to whom you think how to help in Yangon, and then he is very glad for your helping.’
It will be U Ba whose son has a car in Yangon, and he will live in Mandalay, to get a good job.
How to use the phrases in English Language, the teaching of phrases having subject, object, prepositional object and  two kinds of voices, there is not predicate in the phrase without meaningfulness.


How to write complex sentence

How to write complex sentence in English Language

There are many kinds of sentences that we now study the complex sentence having tow kinds of predicates.

S p o po con s p o po
Main sentence  depended clause
Con s p o po, s p o po

Main clause has no conjunction
Depended clause is with conjunction

Noun clause is not referring to noun or pronoun in any sentence that is used in English language for s o po and conjunction.

Noun clause   complex sentence
Relative pronoun conjunction

 S                      o                                  po
Why                    why                        by why
Where                 where                     by where
When                  when                     by when
How                    how                      to how
What                   what                      by what
Who                    whom                    to whom
Which                 which                    to which
As                        as                         by as
That                     that                       by that

S          S           P         O           PO


When you were born in Chang Mai, is known by us.
S          S      p                po,               p             po

Why he is a teacher, is seen by you.
What I said to you at Yangon, is heard by you.
Where you stay in Yangon, cab be know by your brother.
As  our professor taught in the class, was understood by all students in any where.


               S        <- O          P      PO,     P   O    PO


I know that you speak in English in the class.
S    p      o    s    p            po                po

We   see   where   they are living in Yangon.
 S      p         o        s           p             po

Tun Tun wants to meet when he will go back.
They understand what the teacher teaches English.
Can you tell how you study English Language?
Please tell how you study English Language?
Our professor said to  me why I am a solder in USA.

             S    <-      Po        S         P         O         Po,      P          O         Po   
to how
to what
to who
to as

We   know   to whom   U Ba   will give a good book.
S      p             po           s           p                  o

You can see of which this book is written by U Ba.
 S      p              po         s              p               po

I     we          to whom                I  we     are (is) clever in English.
You you    for whom        You You
He She by where  He  She
They in when  they
                Of  how
            On what

Multi sentence

How to write the mixedd sentence in English composition
Or Multi sentence
In the mixed sentences having a lot of conjunction being used in English composition having been taught for higher students to get post graduate  and any higher students must write the following for kinds of great sentences in a details.
(1)            A simple sentence (2) A complex sentence (3) A compound sentence  (4)  A Mixed or Multi Sentences.

Mixed sentence that can be used with the all conjunctions by relative pronoun conjunction, coordinate conjunction, and subordinate conjunction is the most notable in English composition.
There is N/ Pro  Rel  p o po and s p o po.
It is N/pro Rel p o po, and if s p o po.
It is n/ pro  po rel s o po, and s p o po.
Example: It is a man who does the good deeds in everyday, and so he must be very rich in his man
y future life sub Sansara.
It was a teacher whom we deeply respect in any where and also he taught English to us.
It can be him to whom you think how to help in Yangon, and then he is very glad for your helping.’
It will be U Ba whose son has a car in Yangon, and he will live in Mandalay, to get a good job.
How to use the phrases in English Language, the teaching of phrases having subject, object, prepositional object and  two kinds of voices, there is not predicate in the phrase without meaningfulness.

Relative Pronoun Conjunction

Relative Pronoun Conjunction
                                     S  p   o   po.
S       p       o                o        s        p       o       po.
                                     Po      s        p       o       po.
Example: s          p       o       S       p       o       po.
We know Buddha who is a noblest one in the world.
You have known Buddha whom we take refuge deeply everday.
S       p       o po  s        p       o       po.
A good teacher with whom we study English, has many students in the class.
Do  you know a good teacher with whom we study English in the class?
How to use the relative pronoun conjunction
S       p       o       po,    s        p       o       po.
A universal teacher of Bramma, Devas and men , who is the Buddha in the world.
U Ba was a professor at university, who had gotten M.A in UK.
We donated the flowers to the pagodas which is the Shwe DaGon in Yanagon.
N,n,n, and n who (s) p o po.
Mg Mg , Su Su, Hla Hla, and U Ba , who (SuSu) was born in Yangon, are rich family in Madalay.
S p o po, s (s) p o po.
We know Su SU ,Mg Mg, Hla Hla, and Mya Mya ,who (Mg Mg) studies English in Yangon.
Do you know  Su Su, Myag Mya, Hla Hla, and Mu Mu with whom (Ss Su) we go to school?
You know Yangon, Mandaly, and Taung Gyi where( at where) (Yangon) we are staying now
How to use the complex sentence
Adverb conjunction
Adverb clause
1.    We use the adverb clause and adverb conjunction in English language and also there are only conjunctions not to refer nouns or pronouns in any sentences.
2.     When we use the adverb clause, the sentence has a lot of conjunctions.
Before s p o po, s p o po.
S p o po, before s p o po.
Before ,s p o po, s p o po.
After, s p o po, s p o po.
After s p o po, s p o po.
After s p o po, s p o po.
Before s p o po, s p o po.
Before, s p o po, s p o po, s p o po.
Complex sentence
Adverbal conjunction  adverb clause
There adverbal conjunction being used in English composition, is noted by us a about only conjunction in the complex sentence without referring to nouns or pronouns.
There are three kinds of adverbs
They are:
1.     Adverb of time
2.    Adverb of place
3.    Adverb of manner

When s p o po, s p o po.
S p o po, when s p o po.
When, s p o po, s p o po.
 While s p o po, s p o po.
S p o po while s p o po.
While, s p o po, s p o po.
After s p o po, s p o po.
S  p o po, after s p o po.
After, s p o po, s p o po.
Before s p o po, s p o po.
S p o po, before s p o po.
Before, s p o po, s p o po.
Adver clause of time
Adverb clause of time is introduced by the subordinating conjunctions.
So long as…………
As long as…………..
…………….as long as……………..
…………….so long as……………..
Adverb clause of place
Where as…………………
Adverb clause of purpose
So that…………….
Such that…………
In order that…………
On condition that…………
That is…………..
In case that………
So adj  that…………
Not with standing……..that……………
Not with standing ……………..
Adverb clause of cause  or reason
Adverb clause of condition
Adverb clause of result or consequences
So that…….,……..
Such that
Such………., that…….,……..
Adverb clause of comparison
Not as……………….,……….
Not so…………as……….,…………..
…………not so……………………..
Adverb clause of supposition or concession  opposite
Even if….
In spite of that……….
Even though……
How to write the conditional  clause
In the complex sentence with subordinate conjunction
Present is followed by any tense.
Past is followed by past tense.
Future is followed by future.
S p o po, if s p o po.
Till ……….,………….
Conditional clause is shown for future tense that can be noted by us with subordinate conjunction.
If  present tense,   present future.
Past tense, past future.
If I pass the exam, I will  be glad.
If I passed the exam, I would be glad.
How to use the compound sentence , free sentence of English composition,  independent clause , co ordinate conjunction
Or only conjunction


Relative Pronoun Conjunction Noun Clause

Relative Pronoun Conjunction Noun Clause
How to use the Prepositional Object
          S   p  o    po   <-    s          p          o         po      
to how
to what
to who
to as

S            P        O   < -      PO       PO       S         P         O        Po
To whom
For whom
By whom
From whom
To what
By what
To why
To how
To when
By when

How to use the Noun clause in verb to be
Relative pronoun conjunction
Verb to be+ adjective + conjunction
I we
You you
He she
Am is  are was
To that
For that

Verb to have
Has been
Have been

How to use the adjective Clause in complex Sentence of English
Adjective Clause – Complex Sentence
1.           S     p       o       po, p           o       po
S         O       s      p       po, p           o       po.
     Po     s        p       o       po,    p       o       po.
                        S       p       o       po
S p       o       o      s        po.
                       Po      s        p       o.

                               S          p       o       po.
S  p       o   po       o    s    p      po.
                               Po        s        o       o.

In the kinds of sentence, one clause is dependent upon another. A clause is a group of words which is a part of sentence and has its own subject and predicate.

Adjective clause is introduced with relative pronouns.
As after such and same and that after same are relative pronouns. Relative adverb when, where, and why introduce adjectival clause if time, place and reason respectively are expressed just before them. Time when: place where, reason why.

A complex sentence can contain two or more subordinate clause, but there is only one principle clause.
In the  complex sentence, there are a lot of conjunction that are relative pronouns referring to noun, pronouns in person, thing, reason, time, and place which are adjective clause.
They are:
Person: who /whom /that /whose
Thing: which/ that/ whose
Time, when/ as
Place: where /which
Reason:  why /how/ as /which
Who is living in Yangon, get M.A degree in UK?
When we know in Yangon, teaches English to us in the class.
To we adore in anywhere, we want to be very clever in English at school.

Person: s    who  p        o       po.
S  whom    s        p       o       po,    p       o       po.
S to whom s        p       o       po,    p       o       po.
Buddha who was born in India, taught the Dhamma to all beings.
Buddha whom we pay homage in everyday, made us free from suffering.
Buddha to whom you take refuge to this moment, will give you the peace.
A person who  believes in the Buddha in the world, will be peaceful in this life.
A person with whom the Dhamma is as long as, will never have spoken with whomever.
A person whom we always respect anywhere, believe what Buddha taught with a deep manner.
Thing: s which p o po, p o po.
S which s o po, p o po.
S to which s p o po, p o po.
Example:  The Dhamm which was taught by Buddha in the world,is truthfulness.
The book that we read at university, was written  by a professor.
A new car by which you will  buy in London, will be very good for you.
S when p o po, p o po.
S when s  p o po  p o po.
S by when s p o po, p o po.
The time when is one hour in Myanmar, may be two hours in USA.
The  morning when we get up at 6 o’ clock, is very  comfortable for us.
The night at when we take meditation under the tree, is very peaceful.
S where p o po, p o po.
S where s o po, p o po.
S from where s p o po, p o po.
Oxford University where is in Uk, is known by the people.
Yangon where is a capital of Myanmar, is seen on the internet.
Nay Pyi Daw where we live in Myanmar, was laid down in 2005.
The SheDagon Pagoda at where we visit in Yangon, is very peaceful in the world.
S why p o po, p o po.
S why s o po, p o po.
S to why s p o po, p o po.
The reason why is known for your education is to study deeply.
The reason why we study English at school, is to pass the examination.
The reason for why we will pass the examination, is to try the best every day.
                                      S         p      o       po.
S       p       o       po        o     s        o       po.
                                       Po  s p       o       po.
Example: we study English in Yangon, which is the capital city of Myanmar.
We learn Japanese with U Ba whom we deeply respect in any time.
How can I get  lessons from you  from where you study English in Yangon.

A simple sentence in English language having one verb one predicate being called on a simple sentence having two kinds of voices ,two kinds of speech or two kinds of question.

1. Present participle phrase

1.      S + p  +o  + po + ving -  o -  po
2.      S+  p  + o +  ving  - o -  po
3.      S + p  +  o +  po+ ving - o  - po
4.      S + ving  - o -  po, p +  o +  po
5.      Ving -  o -  po, s +  p + o  + po
6.      S p o po, ving o po


we speaking English in the class, call get a B.A degree in UK.
                 S   v-ing      o            po,               p             o                 po

Speaking English in the class, we   will get a B.A degree in UK.
V-ing         o           po,             s     p        o                       po
We will get a B.A degree in UK, speaking English in the class.
 S       p              o           po,         v-ing        o             po

S p o ving o po.
We  know Daw Mya  getting a M.A in Dagon University.
S     p             o/s         ving       o           po

 Daw Mya  getting a M.A in Dagon University is known by us.
  S              v-ing     o        po,                             p            po

The students can speak English having two kinds of voices in the world.

S                    p              o            v-ing         o           po           po

compound sentence

In the compound sentence, there are two kinds of way and the first way or the first rule will agree with the later subject, and then the second way, or the second rule will agree with the former subject.
Rule (1) the  agreement of the later subject.
1.    Either …………, or………p o po.
2.    Neither………, nor………..
3.    Not only……, but also…………..
4.    ……….but………….
5.    ……….nor………

S   p  either….o or…o  po
S p neither……o or….o  po.
S p notonly…..o but also..o  po.
S p o ,but o po.
S p o nor…o  po.
Rule (2)  The agreement of the former subject with predicates.
S or s p o po.
S  other wise s p o po.
S together with  s p o po.
S beside s p o po.
S as well as s p o po.
S except  s p o po.
S with s  p o po.
Mg Mg or Su Su is a student at school.
Su Su  together with the boys was a clerk at Yangon.
Mg Mg as well as the girls has a car in Yangon.
U Ba beside Daw Hla helps other people.
We study English or Japanese in the class.
We know Mg Mg with U Ba or Daw Mya in Yangon.
Su Su is eating a cake with Mg Mg except Mu Mu.
Rule (3) The agreement of the subjects with both former and later in the compound sentence and coordinate conjunction as well as independent clause.
The agreement of one of two subjects to the following conjunction.
S p o po and s p o po.
Both s p o po, and s p o po.
S p o po and so s p o po.
S p o po, and then s p o po.
S p o po and if s p o po.
S p o po and also s p o po.
S p o po, and as s p o po.
Mg Mg is a student at school and he is very clever in English.
Mg Mg is a student at school and is very clever in English.

What is Verb?

A verb tells the state or action of a subject.
Verbs have three moods:
The indicative, for most statements and questions
The imperative, for commands
The subjunctive, for expressing wishes and certain untrue situation.
Verbs have two  voices:
The active for most statements and questions
In an active voice sentence, the subject is the performer of the action of the  verb.
An active voice sentence emphasizes the subject of the sentence.
Verbs have a number of tenses.
The  verb tense indicates the time of the action. In certain, Verbs change according to the subject of the sentence.
The verb be changed in the present, the past, the present progressive, and the past progressive tenses
All other verbs change he / she/ it form n the present tense and the present perfect tense.
The basic verb= the dictionary  form
The infinitive= to + the basic verb
The present principle= the basic verb+ing
The past  form= the basic verb +ed ( irregular past forms)
Are listed on  pp.
The past participle= the basic  verb+ ed ( irregular past participles are listed on pp.
To make questions, put the verb before the subject.
To show a surprised response, use subject + verb+ ?
Using be:
Be connects the subject of a sentence with a fact about the subject. It has several different meanings.
Be identifies the following noun or pronoun as the same person, place thing, abstraction as the subject.

Be+ a possessive noun/ pronoun / adjective identifies the owner of the subject
Be+ a descriptive adjective  describes the subject or tells its condition.
Be+ an adverb or prepositional phrase identifies the location, origin or time of the subject.
The subject there + be indicates the existence of the following noun.
Use there is for a singular or non- count noun.

Use there are for a plural noun.
Use there are to indicate 0.) Zero):
Use it+ is to indicate the present time and the present weather conditions.
All verbs except be and models form the present tense according to the charts below:
Use the basic verb with the subjects/ I  We/ You? You and they
Use do+ subject+ basic verb to make a question.
Use do + basic verb to make an emphatic response.
Use do+ not (don’t) + basic verb to make a negative.
Use do or don’t without the basic verb to make a short answer.
For most verbs, use the basic verb+ s with the subjects, he/ she and it.
Use does+ subject + basic verb to make a question.
Use does+ not (doesn’t) basic verb to make a negative.
Use does or doesn’t without the basic verb to make a short answer.
To spell the he/ she/ it form,
Add s to most basic verbs:
Add es  to verbs ending in o, ch, sh, ss and x
For verb ending in y after a consonant, drop the Y and add ies
Use has for the verb have:
Questions and statements[i]
Use verbs in the present tense to ask for or to state facts.

To show a surprised response, use the subject + form of do+?
Use information questions with the present tense to learn facts.
Question word+ do/ does + subject+ basic verb
A linking verb, a verb that connects the subject with an adjective or noun that describes the subject is used.
Add like before a noun.
A direct object after the verb answers the question
A prepositional phrase after the verb answers the question
An adverb after the verb answers the question
A frequency adverb before the verb expresses general or habitual action.
The adverb sometimes is an exception. Place it either before the subject or at the end of the phrase.
When no time expression is used,
A positive statement= sometimes
A negative statement= never

You can also express a usual or habitual activity with an adverbial or prepositional phrase. Place it at the end of the sentence.
To emphasize the time express you can place if before the subject.
Because + subject+ verb answers the question.
Using the information questions who and what
Who…? ( informal English, whom….?
Refers to the object in the answer.
Use the pattern: who (m) +do/ does + subject+ verb( + preposition).
Who…. Refers to the subject in the answer.
Use the pattern: who + he/ she it verb( Do not use do or does in the question)
Who with a subject answers and always followed by a singular verb even when the answer is plural.
Use do or does for short answers and for negative questions and answers.
What…? Refers to the direct object in the answer.
Use do or does in the question.
When what..? which…? Or whose …?  Refer the subject in the answer do not use do / does in the question.
What with a subject answer is always followed by a singular verb even when the answer is plural.
Use do /does in short answers and in negative questions and answers:
A modal auxiliary is a word that comes before a verb and modifies its meaning.
The form is simple:
Use the same form for all persons.
Usage is tricky.
A modal may have a different meaning in another tense.
A modal may have a different meaning in the negative
A modal may require a different modal as a response
Some modals have negative contractions; others don’t certain expressions with be and have have modal meanings, but the normal forms of those verbs.

What is Adjective?

Adjective give information about nouns.
There are two kinds of adjective: Noun determiners and descriptive adjectives.
Noun determiners identify and limit nouns. They have specific relations with singular or plural nouns, and non-count nouns.
Descriptive adjective have the same form for singular, plural and non-count nouns. Their use is optional. Use the following Patterns:
1.      Noun Determiners
An article helps identify a noun
a/ an / the

2.      Numbers
3.      Possessive  adjective
4.      Demonstrative adjective
5.      More Noun Determiners
6.      Descriptive
7.      Adjectives
8.      Proper descriptive
9.      Nouns used as adjective
10.  Verbs used as adjective
11.  Prepositions used  adjectives
12.  Compound adjective
13.  Comparing descriptive  adjective
14.  Superlative  adjective
15.  Order of adjectives

Kinds of Adjective
A word used with a noun to describe or point out the person, animal, place, thing which the noun, name, or to tells te number or quantity.
Kinds of Adjective
1.      Proper
2.      Possessive
3.      Interrogative
4.      Descriptive
5.      Definite
6.      Indefinite
7.      Quantitative
8.      Numeral

Kinds of Adjectives
Possessive adjective: adjectives are formed from Possessive pronoun: my, our, your, his, her, its, their; as,
This is my house.
These are their cars.
Interrogative adjective: what, which, and whose are sued with nouns to ask questions;  as
What color day you want?
Which way shall we go?
Whose book is this?

Kinds of Adjectives

1.       Demonstrative adjective
2.      Distributive adjective
3.      Quantitative adjective
4.      Interrogative adjective
5.      Possessive adjective
6.      Descriptive adjective
7.      Form, position and order of adjective
8.      Positive adjective (the  D1)

Using adjective as followings.
Noun as adjective
Pronoun as adjective
Adverb as adjective
Present participle as adjective
Past participle as adjective
Phrase as adjective
Clause as adjective

Kinds of Nouns

Noun/ pronoun
 How to use Nouns

Adjective as noun
Verb as noun
Phrase as noun
Clause as noun
Adverb as noun
Article as noun
Number as noun
Time as noun
Present participle as noun
Past participle as noun
To infinitive as noun
Pronouns as noun
 Gerund as noun
 Kinds of pronouns

Simple pronouns
Interrogative pronouns
Relative pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Reflex pronouns

Using as subject
1.      Noun
2.      Pronoun
3.      Phrases
4.      Clause

Using as object
1.       Noun
2.      Pronoun
3.      Phrases
4.      Clauses

Using prepositional object
1.       Before noun
2.      Before pronoun
3.      Before adjective
4.      Before adverb
5.      Before phrase
6.      Clauses
7.      Sentences

Using as verb
1.      Verb to be
2.      Verb to do
3.      Verb to have
4.      Helping verb
5.      Adjective ( be +adjective)
6.      Predicates


The question words where? When? And  how? And individual words that answer these questions are adverbs.
An adverb can tell the place of the subject after the verb be, or tell the place of the action after other verbs.
Prepositions as adverbs
Certain prepositions function as adverbs when they are not followed by an object.
Adverbs of location are usually placed after the verb.
To show surprise or excitement, put the adverb before the subject.
An adverb can tell the time of the subject after be or the time of the action after other verbs.
Prepositions as adverbs
The preposition before functions as an adverb when it is not followed by an object.
Adjective+ Noun combinations as adverbs of time
Adverbs of time are usually placed after the verb.
After an auxiliary verb
Before or after other verbs
After fro of be
After auxiliary verb
Before other verbs
Adverbs of instance
Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of Manner
Comparing adverbs of Manner
Adverbs that intensify verb
Adverbs that intensify adjective adverbs


What is conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases or clauses. Each conjunction defines a specific relationship between the parts it connects.
Coordinating Conjunctions
 According conjunction joins sentence parts that have the same grammatical form.
Joining independent Clauses
Correlative conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions
Discourse Markers
Expressing chronology ical order
Marking an argument convincing
Illustrating Previous information
Contradicting previous information
Correcting previous information
Indicating the consequences of and action
Explaining previous information
Reducing the importance of the previous information
Verifying previous information
Expressing reasons for an action
Expressing concession or condition


[i] 1.    As teaching by way of Prof. Dr. mr. Min Lwin
Sukha Rd, ThinGanKyun Tsh, Yangon, Myanmar  2007- 2008
2.   English Speaking for every one by Mr. Ven. U Agga
South of Okkalapa Ts/ Yangon Myanmar 2005-2007
3.   Oxford learner’s Pocket Dictionary( E to E)
Fourth Edition by  Oxford University Express.
4.   Essential English ( English Grammar and conversation- for all- level students)
By Ven-U Obhasa (Ph.D-Thesis) ,The International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, Yangon, Myanmar
5.Master& The Basics English, by Jean Yates, M.M
 George Washington University, Canada , USA
Reported as in English grammar and usages by Ashin Thuseitta

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